Posts tagged ‘Bill Hicks’

April 4, 2010

Happy Easter from Me and Bill Hicks

February 19, 2010

Bill Hicks Re: Tiger Woods

Not that I think Tiger Woods should really be killed. I just agree with the overall point of these fevered egos tainting our collective unconscious.

January 11, 2010

What I Have To Say About Leno

Again, I turn to Bill Hicks. Very NSFW. This recording is 20 years old, so I’ve always known that Jay Leno is garbage. Conan O’Brien is getting screwed.

August 7, 2009

Bill Hicks explains Obamacare.

Bill Hicks is here to explain Obama’s radical heath care agenda. The Republicans have it all wrong. Old people will be useful. Here we see how Obama and the Hollywood Liberal Elite will use them.

February 5, 2009

Bill Hicks’ Mom on Letterman

Bill Hicks died in February 1994 at age 32 from pancreatic cancer. A few months before he died, he went on Letterman, but his segment was removed by Letterman. Apparently due to the religious jokes, which frankly are the least controversial things he said during this segment. Hicks told few people he had cancer, and Letterman did not know at the time. A few days ago Letterman had Bill Hicks’ mother on his show to apologize for removing that segment, and finally aired the segment. Here is the introduction, interview with Mary Hicks, and the 1993 Bill Hicks segment. It’s worth watching, both for how emotional it is, but also to be reminded how ahead of his time and continuously relevant Bill Hicks’ stand-up is. During the Bush 43 years I’d listen to his CDs and it was like he was talking about him, not Bush 41.